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- Jul 24, 2017 Bluffside. The City on the Edge. In the western lands of Kanpur, Bluffside sits at the center of the Northwest and some would say the center of the western world.
- On our cruise with the 4 of us in the one cabin booking the obstructed view was the cheapest cabin available. Given that thus cabin is larger than the inside or outside cabins it was a no brainer to book obstructed view or not.
'View Active Topics' Post by Martin Rowley » Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:51 am. In the previous configuration of the forum, there used to be a 'View Active Topics' option - which was the one I regarded as my 'default' option as it eliminated the need to trawl through each section of the web site to find 'active' topics.
I'm assuming you live in the UK? If so, you can purchase $1.05 'airmail' stamps which is what we here in the USA use to mail things to the UK. RYAN-J Check out My NONE are for sale or Trade. My Official Facebook Fan Page! DUE TO MY BUSY WORK SCHEDULE OUTSIDE OF AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING & INCREASING SPAMMING ISSUES I CAN NO LONGER GIVE OUT OR LOOK UP VIA VENUE OR EMAIL ADDRESSES. TOO MANY 'FANS' WITH THE WRONG COLLECTING MOTIVES ON HERE KEEP ABUSING THESE TYPES OF ADDRESSES AND END UP SELLING THE SIGNED ITEMS LATER ON FOR PROFIT Printable TTM (Great way to keep track of all your pending requests!!) Total # of Autographs in my collection: 2,020 Authentic Autographs: 1,872 Pre-Prints & Autopens: 155 Personalized Autographs: 569 Q&A Cards: 40 Cast-signed Broadway Playbills: 15. Here in the USA, there's several places where people can purchase stamps.

I work for a post office and have a lot of those $1.05 ones in our office. RYAN-J Check out My NONE are for sale or Trade. My Official Facebook Fan Page! DUE TO MY BUSY WORK SCHEDULE OUTSIDE OF AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING & INCREASING SPAMMING ISSUES I CAN NO LONGER GIVE OUT OR LOOK UP VIA VENUE OR EMAIL ADDRESSES.
TOO MANY 'FANS' WITH THE WRONG COLLECTING MOTIVES ON HERE KEEP ABUSING THESE TYPES OF ADDRESSES AND END UP SELLING THE SIGNED ITEMS LATER ON FOR PROFIT Printable TTM (Great way to keep track of all your pending requests!!) Total # of Autographs in my collection: 2,020 Authentic Autographs: 1,872 Pre-Prints & Autopens: 155 Personalized Autographs: 569 Q&A Cards: 40 Cast-signed Broadway Playbills: 15. Three is what you'll need for them to send you a 8x10 photo from the USA to the UK. RYAN-J Check out My NONE are for sale or Trade. My Official Facebook Fan Page! DUE TO MY BUSY WORK SCHEDULE OUTSIDE OF AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING & INCREASING SPAMMING ISSUES I CAN NO LONGER GIVE OUT OR LOOK UP VIA VENUE OR EMAIL ADDRESSES. TOO MANY 'FANS' WITH THE WRONG COLLECTING MOTIVES ON HERE KEEP ABUSING THESE TYPES OF ADDRESSES AND END UP SELLING THE SIGNED ITEMS LATER ON FOR PROFIT Printable TTM (Great way to keep track of all your pending requests!!) Total # of Autographs in my collection: 2,020 Authentic Autographs: 1,872 Pre-Prints & Autopens: 155 Personalized Autographs: 569 Q&A Cards: 40 Cast-signed Broadway Playbills: 15.
Goto page 1, R2-D2 Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:18 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 18 Dec 2006 Posts: 12148 PBSiS is a new patch. I was worried that there might be problems with (I think) playback stopping during a dual recording, but nobody's reported any problems using FireBird's TAP version (WWWW) of these patches (well, the main 3 patches, anyway). So here's the complete suite (StopTS, StopMp3 and one in the Menu handler(???)):. What's PBSiS? It's 'Playback Stopped' is Stopped. Glenmcfar Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:21 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 07 Dec 2006 Posts: 4519 Location: Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland PBSis is now officially the best name for a TAP/patch, after stealing the crown from wwww. H/W: TF5800 URC-7555 Asus A/S: SecCacheUK, EitSub, EPG2MEI, Display, Extend, QuickJump, MyStuff T/L: TapCommander, MeiSearch, MediaManager HDFW, CutAds, Sudoku Tai Chi Steve Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:22 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sutton Coldfield Transmitter Hi R2-D2, I guess you'll be aware of this by now, but just in case, I've found what I believe is an incompatibility between PBSiS and MyStuff 5.5.
I've posted some information at Hope this helps. R2-D2 Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:36 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 18 Dec 2006 Posts: 12148. I guess you'll be aware of this by now, but just in case, I've found what I believe is an incompatibility between PBSiS and MyStuff 5.5.I've been running both together for a good while now, but I've not noticed it myself. Have you found it to be reproducible? (Patch applied it exhibits the problem, patch removed it doesn't?) And if it's just a problem in combination with MyStuff 5.5 then it might be related to similar OSD lockouts. View Topics
Tai Chi Steve Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:51 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sutton Coldfield Transmitter Yes, it's very reproducible, without fail in fact, if that's not a contradiction of terms. In my last post in that thread I've detailed my procedure. It's interesting that you're not experiencing it, as I'm not the only person to report it. It hadn't occurred before I upgraded to MS 5.5, and I've been using PBSiS since you posted it.
I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, just relieved to have found the source of my problem and thought I might save someone else a few grey hairs If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Birdman Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:52 am Frequent contributor Joined: 13 Dec 2006 Posts: 1765 Location: Hitchin, HERTS Tx: Sandy Heath I (don't think) I have the PBSiS patch in use. In fact, since it was first mentioned on 23 Sep I'm sure I don't, as I haven't updated my firmware in a while. However, I think I see a change with MyStuff5.5 when a second recording starts and it 'needs' to change channel, even though you are watching a recording. With 5.21a it just kept going (I don't recall it ever doing anything else).
With 5.5 you see the Toppy warning and confirmation box, plus the playback stops. (Since this has happened twice in the week since the upgrade I'm sure it's a change - I don't recall it happening in the previous 10 months). So perhaps this change is interacting with PBSiS in some way? Toppy: TF5800PVR/250 - Black, now 1TB WD10EURX F/W: MS6 Recommended F/W 12/9/2009 -FmVrXp+BmC0CbFsIPsUUuWfZXl, Loader: C5.14, Hardware: 1.01 TAPs: SecCache (UK) v0.4; EPG2MEI v0.96; FontManager 1.0d; QuickJump 1.71; MhegOnOff(Now1) A3; EIT Sub v0.6; MyStuff 6.6 USB connected: SheevaPlug with Debian wheezy Sig mostly from on 26/10/09 Tai Chi Steve Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:25 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sutton Coldfield Transmitter I did get the playback interrupted and a CYR message with 5.21 quite a bit, hence why I use mcgCYRResume 1.0. There are others far more knowledgeable on the forums about this than me and threads on this issue. From my experience, it depended what muxes were being watched or recorded. It's even possible to get it when only one recording is being made and that is being chase played.
30/03/08 TF5800 FW:1365Flash:HPST2ZXl RAM:BfBqCyDeEcFIMhPsRReRpTsUUuWfXpXw AutoStart:HDFW2.2 XStartTap0.9 XStart:PowerRestore0.7.5 EITDupFix0.3 MhegControlB1.1RC1 mhegstate2 mei2archive3.8l3 eit2mei7.8m3 QuickJump1.69 AccurateBM0.3 MyStuff5.61 QuickBlank0.2 TF5000Display1.53 Other:adskipper430.03a ChannelManager5.1 FavouritesManager2.0d HDDInfo2.1 RecordingFixer1.3 SignalMonitor0.51 SimpleCharEditor3.09 TAPCommander1.31 UKOZSurfer0.14 NSLU2 Unslung6.10 rt2mei0.63 RecShellExt R2-D2 Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:30 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 18 Dec 2006 Posts: 12148. I did get the playback interrupted and a CYR message with 5.21 quite a bit, hence why I use mcgCYRResume 1.0.You're running mcgCYRResume? I may have to look at that and see how it does what it does. Have you tried turning that off and seeing whether you can use PBSiS?

Just a thought, and it might help diagnose the real problem. R2-D2 Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:36 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 18 Dec 2006 Posts: 12148 Reading a few threads about mcgCYRResume and they are littered with reports of lockups. Do you notice a 'ying-yang' symbol very briefly at the point of failure? I think some members of the MyStuff team (such as ChunkyWizard) have more experience of this TAP and its interactions with UK firmwares. Tai Chi Steve Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:48 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sutton Coldfield Transmitter I've done some more investigation into this and posted at what I believe is the problem on my system. I have had problems with mcgCYRResume at times, and not at others, with various TAPS and patches going on, it can be hard to apportion blame. In this case it was happening when it wasn't running. View Topical
Now I've got this problem sorted, I can carry on with it and see how I get on, as I'd been trying various combinations of things trying to prevent the issue and having to disconnect the toppy. Whenever I start playing a file, I don't get the sound instantly, so being able to resume from a point previous to the stop point is useful as it saves a back skip. View Topic Messages
It's also very handy for those of us with the memory of a forgetful sparrow It's like having a butler there to press the buttons for you when the toppy interrupts your viewing MS already resumes playback a little before the point at which you stopped it. We could always increase that backtracking (a little). FW: ChunkyWizard Recommended TAPs: MyStuff (always one version ahead of everyone else!), and recommended support TAPS MyStuff skins, manual and latest version: Known bugs & forthcoming fixes: Changes coming in the next version: Tai Chi Steve Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:09 pm Frequent contributor Joined: 29 Nov 2006 Posts: 204 Location: Sutton Coldfield Transmitter Would it be possible to add the rewind amount as an option, as mcgCYRResume does? That way the people that it would annoy can set it to zero, and others can set it however they want?