Graham Ballantyne On Twitter: Trying Out Osforra For Mac

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If you have any questions, feel free to contact Graham Coleman via email or call 34. Watch out for regular updates on this and our other events on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. (Please note, due to demand and administration costs, there will be a £99 plus VAT charge for cancellations received less than 48 hours prior to the event.). Ashley Graham is never one to shy away from sharing what it's really like to be a curvy woman, so it should come to no surprise to her fans that she is the latest celebrity to try out the viral Ta. A line-out was overthrown and Matthew Mallin greatfully caught the ball at the back and showed lightening pace to fly off into the Lismore half and quick ball from a ruck on the try line saw replacement scrum-half Rory Graham on hand to touch down and Ford?s conversion completed the scoring.

isn't a typical restaurant. The space regularly hosts outside restaurants or gives street and market vendors a temporary roof and a new audience to showcase their foods.

And this winter, they'll be doing much of the same but on a much smaller stage when they take over the Graham Avenue location of, the ice cream and Italian ice purveyor with locations all over New York. By phone this morning, Events Manager Bill Reed revealed the H&J team will be taking over the ice cream shop beginning the weekend after Thanksgiving. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the space will serve a more set menu of favorites from the mothership a few blocks away, including house-made pickles and their Beer Mac & Cheese, which they'll be slapping between slices of Texas toast with the voluntary inclusion of bacon. As has been their ethos since day one, they'll also be partnering with other local business, including some hot dog collaborations with Brooklyn Hot Dog Company and Yeah Dawg, who make vegan hot dogs. They're promising lots of vegetarian options, including a vegan chili they'll use on the vegan hot dog offering. On Sundays, they'll have a rotating cast of chefs, restaurants and other food businesses taking over the kitchen entirely.

—who'll be popping up at the original space —will have a weekend serving Burmese noodles. The food truck will also be swinging by, as will a DJ Dallas Green's. Even showy will be bringing burgers and their to the space. Don't worry about ole Louie G, though, as the tiny shop's five most popular ice cream flavors will still be available during the off-season, in addition to things like a Mast Brothers hot cocoa collaboration and another with Red Jacket Orchards. There's no booze, but Reed hopes they'll be a destination for local bar hoppers after other nearby food options have shuttered for the evening, and they'll also offer a free beer taste at the proper restaurant with a receipt from the pop-up. When they debut in late November, they'll have made room for about 12 people to sit and eat with more room for standing. They'll open at 6 p.m.

To catch people leaving from work and close at 1 a.m. (midnight on Sundays), just before things get sloppy. 341 Graham Avenue.

Twitter quietly rolls out redesign that combines replies and retweets in posts embedded on other sites, in bid to crack down on bots. Twitter on Tuesday quietly changed the way that embedded tweets appear.

Instead of showing retweets, embedded posts now show how many people are talking about a post, which is a combination of replies and retweets. It could be an indirect deterrent for bots, which manipulate activity on Twitter By Published: 17:54 GMT, 7 February 2018 Updated: 18:13 GMT, 7 February 2018.

Just rolled out a new design for embedded tweets that could attract new users to the site, while deterring fake bot accounts at the same time. Embedded tweets on news stories and other sites no longer show how many times a post has been retweeted, to Slate, which first spotted the change. Instead, embedded posts now show how many 'people are talking about' a tweet, using a metric that combines both replies and retweets. The tech giant hasn't publicly acknowledged the change, but Twitter users began noticing the update on Tuesday. Twitter quietly introduced a re-design to embedded tweets so that they no longer show many times a post has been re-tweeted. Now, the posts say how many 'people are talking about this'. Stock image A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to that the change was rolled out globally on Tuesday.

The spokesperson added that the site is always looking for new ways to provide better social context around tweets. The new design caters to non-Twitter users who regularly interact with tweets. More than 1 billion people see embedded tweets every month, but not every one of them has a Twitter account. For example, if someone who doesn't use Twitter stumbles across a post that's gotten 10,000 retweets, they may not understand what a retweet is.

Share Incorporating a feature that notes how many people are interacting with or discussing a tweet might encourage them to make an account and add to the conversation. 'We found that people viewing Tweets off-platform were more likely to engage with them when we focused on providing conversational context,' Twitter spokesperson Dan Jackson told Slate. Jackson added that Twitter began trying out new ways to show how many people engaged with a tweet last year.

Graham ballantyne on twitter trying out osforra for mac os

Graham Ballantyne On Twitter Trying Out Osforra For Mac

Last November, TechCrunch that Twitter was testing out a new feature showing how many people are talking about a tweet. 'Hazardous' asteroid larger than a blue whale is set to pass Earth on Friday — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) The tweet above shows how the retweet metric has been replaced by a number signifying how many users are 'talking about this.'

The change was rolled out on Tuesday The move could also serve as an indirect deterrent for bot accounts, Slate noted. A Twitter bot is an account that's controlled via software that automatically retweets and likes posts, or follows and direct messages other accounts. Researchers discovered bots retweet and post links to external sites more often than non-bot accounts. They also see less engagement on their tweets.

Bots tweet more often, yet they spend less time 'liking' others' tweets. They revealed the behavior of users with 10 million followers or more was more in line with bots than humans. These accounts tweet at roughly the same pace as bots with similar follower numbers and, like bots, tweet more in general.

Graham Ballantyne On Twitter: Trying Out Osforra For Mac Free

They rely on retweeting and posting links to external sites more than human accounts. Their tweets are also of lower quality and see less engagement. Since embedded posts no longer show how many times the tweet has been retweeted, it removes one of the main tactics bot accounts use to, sometimes maliciously, make a tweet appear more popular than it really is. Bot accounts could still automatically reply to tweets, but that activity is much more conspicuous and more uncommon. Over the past year, Twitter has experienced a reckoning around its massive bot problem. A recent by the New York Times found that millions of accounts on Twitter might be fake, created by a shadowy American company called Devumi, to help celebrities and influencers gain followers. Twitter, Facebook and Google have appeared in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for several hearings surrounding how the platforms were used to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Graham Ballantyne On Twitter Trying Out Osforra For Mac Os

Twitter has recently been forced to deal with its massive bot problem. Twitter, Google and Facebook have appeared in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for several hearings on how their platforms were used to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election Twitter recently U.S. Lawmakers that Russia-linked Twitter bots retweeted Donald Trump about 500,000 times in the fives weeks leading up to the election. Amazingly, these tweets accounted for 4.25 percent of all the retweets then-candidate Trump received during that time period.

The firm has since taken several key steps to reduce the number of bot accounts on its platform. Every day, Twitter blocks 523,000 suspicious logins that it believes to be from automated accounts, Slate noted. The firm has also gotten better at detecting when a bot replies to a tweet faster than a human could.